This weekend I racked my beer to secondary and took a fix - determined where my current brew stands on it's path of intended movement (PIM) from wort to porter. I drew a sample and once the remainder of the beer was racked and stowed I took a gravity measurement and tasted a couple of mouthfulls for good measure.
The "beer" when I opened the primary was as it should have been - clean and clear, and it smelled great. The transfer went smoothly, with very little sediment taken up. The slurry of yeast at the bottom of the fermenter was impressive.
Some day, I'm going to think and prepare ahead enough to recover and re-use the stuff. SG was 1.018 (OG 1.050) so it currently stands at about 4.4% ABV. It tasted immature but pretty much like a porter. Strong coffee-like notes, the roasted barley was evident, medium bitterness. So I have no doubt some more time in the carboy and then the bottle will have this beer tasting as it should. "Ideally" the FG should be 1.016 or below and I'm pretty sure those last few thousandths will drop off in the next week or so. If not, no biggie, I can figure it out next time.
It's like
dead reckoning. Estimate your future position based upon your last known position and course and speed, and then your fix tells you where you really are. Right now, it looks like I'm pretty much "on PIM".
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